Monday 4 January 2016

2016 Goals

I'm terrible at sticking to New Year's Resolutions, so I gave up years ago. I'm not one for stupid fad diets or giving up chocolate, like seriously why would you even consider that? But I do believe that if you gave yourself something to work towards then you will be much more productive with your time and get a lot more shit done.

So here are my goals for 2016:
  • Buy a home - I thought id get the biggy out the way. Yes this is an enormous goal and i'm hoping to do it within 6 months but it is doable - if I go balls to the walls with my saving! 
  • Go live with Blossom & Bronze's new website. 
  • Exercise more, yes a typical new year goal, but I've signed up to the Great North Run and I really need to train for it. 
  • Read every night. No more watching youtube as I fall asleep but actually read a book, even if its only a couple of pages. 
  • Eat a little cleaner. No stupid diets, or giving up take aways and sweets but just cutting down on all the snacking I do. I'm a serial snacker. 
  • Save Save Save.
  • Go part time at work so I can concentrate more on my own business. I am going to have to work my ass off for this one, I am not at this stage yet but I am hoping I will be in 6 months time, not to put extra pressure on myself and savings but hopefully it will all pay off! 
  • Look after myself more and get a proper skin care routine. 
  • Go to the dentist - Yes I say this every year but every year I chicken out but this is the year! 
I'd love to know what your goals are for the New Year and if you think you will stick to them?


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