Friday 1 January 2016

Hello Lovely

I’m Clare,

I’m a ridiculously clumsy, over-excitable bundle of mess. Open minded, small breasted. I’m far too emotional, love all things pretty, a sucker for a good old floral pattern and a duck egg door. I’m a professional procrastinator. I have a love affair with food and Netflix. I have the most adorable little bunny in the world. And a very sexy boyfriend.

I’m the owner of Blossom & Bronze – the ultimate excuse to put my creativity to good use. One day (soon hopefully) I will run my little business full time, until then, I have a 9 to 5 office job to pay the bills, with Blossom & Bronze on a nighttime and weekends I’m kept me super busy.. And in the midst of it all I decided to start a blog. Mainly as a way to vent, my brain is full of nonsense that I thought it might be worth while trying to eject some of that into a blog. Keeping my very busy life, even busier.

Right now, apart from working I don’t do a great deal of anything else. Wow, I bet this blog is going to be full of adventures *yawn*. I have dreams of traveling the world and whilst my friends are off jet setting around the globe, I’m trying to save for our first home, failing miserably may I add. At times I feel like I have the worst luck in the world.  But aside from that, I seem to be on the way to ‘getting my shit together’ or at least that’s what it feels like, I mean on a night out I’m ready for bed by 1pm and that is pretty grown up isn’t it?

In reality I’m probably like every other 20 something year old, completely lost but with big ideas of where we want to be next, just not too sure how to get there. Not wanting to give up on our wild teen years but at the same time completely past that whole stage and would much rather binge on Netflix and takeaways.

Anyway welcome to my blog/ world. Hopefully it won’t bore you too much, and if it does here is a link to YouTube fails .They never fail to disappoint.


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